De Wolfe Music: A Legacy Transformed by Orfium’s SyncTracker

De Wolfe Music, a pioneering production music company established in 1909, boasts a vast and instantly recognizable catalog of music that has shaped the sound of film and television for over a century. Their commitment to supporting composers and artists goes hand-in-hand with their proactive approach to music licensing.

De Wolfe generates significant revenue by licensing their music for use on platforms like YouTube, radio, and television broadcasts, ensuring creators can confidently use their music without fear of copyright issue, while fairly supporting artists. To maintain their industry-leading position in an increasingly digital and global landscape, De Wolfe sought a tech partner who could match their scale and commitment to seamless sync license management worldwide.

The Challenge: A Proactive Licensing Model Meets an Outdated Solution

De Wolfe’s previous YouTube sync management partner fell short of their expectations and didn’t align with their proactive approach and global service requirements. Their team and clients needed a solution that offered music usage transparency, operational efficiency, quick and effective customer service and clarity into revenue flows that would seamlessly integrate with their licensing model and existing tech stack.

The Solution: Orfium’s SyncTracker – A Game-Changer for YouTube Content ID

In December 2022, De Wolfe Music partnered with Orfium and adopted SyncTracker, a YouTube content ID solution tailored for protecting and managing sync licenses. SyncTracker allows De Wolfe to input their licensing details into a centralized hub that automatically releases claims on YouTube whenever licensed music is used. This eliminated the need for manual claims management, saving valuable time and resources while ensuring licensed content could flow freely.

Results: A Seamless Transition and a New Era of Efficiency

Easy onboarding, quick go-live.

The transition to Orfium was smooth, with De Wolfe’s team spending dedicated time over a week to work closely with SyncTracker’s onboarding team.

Orfium’s team was there for us every step of the way. Their availability and support made all the difference in ensuring a smooth transition.

Andrew, Client Services Manager, De Wolfe Music.

The process was quick and efficient, allowing De Wolfe Music to start reaping the benefits of SyncTracker almost immediately. 

More efficient workflows, more time building trust with artists.

SyncTracker’s automation proved to be a game-changer, streamlining De Wolfe Music’s licensing workflows and significantly reducing the time and effort required for YouTube claims management. This newfound efficiency not only saved the company valuable resources but also empowered their team to focus on higher-value activities, such as expanding their music catalog and fostering relationships with artists.

Easy access to music for creators, increasing music usages and royalties.

The increased efficiency and seamless integration with their licensing model also translated into greater client satisfaction. Creators who license De Wolfe Music’s catalog experience a hassle-free process, and can get creative safe in the knowledge that their use of the music is fully authorized and protected.

Predictable revenues, a greater sense of security for artists with plenty of usage data to learn from.

Additionally, De Wolfe Music gained the transparency and revenue predictability they sought, giving them greater control over their YouTube revenue streams and the confidence to make informed business decisions.

In Their Words

Orfium’s SyncTracker has been transformative for us. It seamlessly integrates with our proactive licensing approach, saving us time and resources. The automation is a game-changer and the increased transparency and revenue predictability have given us a new level of confidence in our YouTube strategy. We couldn’t be happier with the results.

Joel Feinberg, CEO, De Wolfe Music

De Wolfe Music’s success with Orfium’s SyncTracker highlights the importance of finding the right partner to support a proactive licensing model and unlock the full potential of music on YouTube.

Could your music catalog be generating more revenue across UGC platforms? Talk to Orfium today to find out.